Adopt a Cat from 9 Lives Cafe
Thinking about adopting?
The best way to do this is to come on in and meet the cats available for adoption. We encourage you and your family to spend time with each cat you are interested in to see which is the best fit. Our trained staff and volunteers are happy to answer questions about the animals and provide you with whatever background information we have regarding that pet. Please keep in mind we do not always know all of the adoptable animals’ history or background depending on how they arrived at SPCA San Francisco or our partner rescues, prior to arriving at 9 Lives Cafe.
Our goal is to match a pet’s personality and needs with a family’s needs and lifestyle to increase the likelihood of a lifetime happy relationship for the whole family. All of the cats at 9 Lives Cafe are spayed/neutered, tested for feline leukemia and feline aids, receive vaccinations for feline distemper, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and rabies (if age appropriate), are dewormed, receive monthly flea prevention, and are microchipped.

What to Consider Before Adoption:
Pets require a significant time commitment.
A pet’s life span can be from 5-20 years. Some animals are better with children than others. Please consider your future plans before bringing home a furry companion.
Animals require a financial commitment. Food, treats, toys, veterinary check-ups and preventative medications can add up.
Post adopt clients are guided to keep their pets quarantined for 14 days.